The Effects of Urban Change


In Dhaka, 2,000 people risk their lives everyday on their journey home from work. Imagine sitting on top of a 12ft train driving 30 mph.

Poor Sanitation

News and documentary producer Steve Sapienza discusses the challenges and surprises of reporting on water access, sanitation, and climate change in Dhaka City.

Slum dwellers use hanging latrines that open on to rivers, ponds, and open land. This is a concern, not only for slum dwellers but also the marine ecosystem, which is being contaminated with human feces. Still, the water crisis in Bangladesh has yet to be solved.

Actor/Co-Founder of, Matt Damon, feels investing in water equity is the solution to poor sanitation in poverty stricken countries. 


Although NGO has developed a strategy where community members are allowed to take out a WaterCredit loan (60,000 taka = $799 USD) and install a hygienic toilet; it seems to place slum dwellers in further debt. 

Imagine Your Home was on A Railway...